Thursday, August 28, 2014

Bored By Your Instagram Friends? Here Are 28 Refreshing Accounts To Follow

No one needs to see more photos of babies and brunch on Instagram. We all know this. The difficulty is in finding accounts that breathe some much-needed fresh air into our sometimes monotonous feeds.

That's why we've compiled the following list of accounts that embody everything that's right about Instagram: The photos are visually stunning, and the people behind them have a unique sense of style and personality. Sometimes, they'll even make you laugh.

@makhorov 'grams from up high.

If you've got vertigo, it may be best to stay away from photographer Vadim Makhorov's account. Most of his photos are taken at dizzying heights.

@gdax is a tech-savvy monk.

Gedun Wangchuk, a Buddhist monk living in Tibet, has such a tranquil Instagram account. Simply looking at his photos will put you in a state of peaceful reflection.

@mortenordstrom is a master of perspective.

Speaking of reflection, Danish photographer Morten Nordstrøm seems to make the idea of stepping into an alternate universe a reality with his mesmerizing photos.

@junantoherdiawan can fly.

Junanto Herdiawan, a self-described traveler and economist, creates an otherworldly feel by appearing to levitate and even fly in front of famous locales.

@humansofny is humanity in a small square.

Need to come back down to earth? The well-known Humans of New York project's Instagram feed aims to tell every New Yorker's story one stunning interview and portrait at a time. Currently, the account is on a trip through 10 other countries.

@mrpimpgoodgame owns the selfie.

The self-proclaimed "leader of the selfie movement," Benny Winfield Jr has decided to tell his own story by taking pretty much the same selfie, after selfie, after selfie, after selfie, after...

selfie guy

@trotterpup is a dog who wears many hats.

This French Bulldog isn't afraid of a selfie either, plus he's got a killer hat collection.

@cashcats are cats with cash.

They might not have hats but these Fat Cats have plenty of money. That's right, this Instagram is a user-submitted collection of cats posing with fat stacks of cash.

@miserable_men are sad dudes.

The self-described account of "men that went shopping," these guys are just really sad about the state of consumerism these days.

@dschwen shows whimsical designs.

Need cheering up? Minneapolis design and illustration studio Dschwen has an Instagram whose simple yet colorful designs are certain to brighten your feed.

@yoyoha cartoons with coffee cups.

For a different kind of pick me up altogether, cartoonist Josh Hara brings wisdom and witticisms to the world one hilariously drawn cup of coffee at a time.

@thuglifeforevs redefines the square.

The mesmerizing squares of photographer Emily Blincoe will give you a sense of beautiful structure, but her account showcases a whole lot more than just four-sided shapes.

@leesamantha tells stories with food.

If food art's your thing, check out Samantha Lee. A mother of two, she began making bento art so her first daughter would eat after her second was born.

@Iloveplaymo is a Playmobil paradise.

You'll also be transported back to your childhood with this feed, which features charming Playmobil vignettes.

@darrylljones uses toys as models.

Stormtroopers, they're just like us! It's hard not to think that when looking at the endlessly amusing Instagram of photographer Darryl Jones, who also uses some of your favorite old toys to create hilariously banal tableaux.

@cintascotch makes art from junk.

Artist Javier Pérez's Instagram feed combines the everyday with the fantastical. We promise you've never seen Oreos or paperclips like these before.

@litterati cleans up pretty garbage.

Sure, the earth has plenty of junk, but the environmental organization Litterati somehow finds the beauty in it by encouraging you to clean it up piece by piece.

@charitywater celebrates water.

Charity Water is a non-profit dedicated to providing safe drinking water to communities in need around the world. Its Instagram serves as stunning visual evidence that it's making a difference.

@muradosmann leads you across the planet.

If making the world seem smaller is your thing, video producer Murad Osmann seems to have been everywhere. He gained social media fame for an Instagram account that features his girlfriend-turned-fiance leading him through some of the planet's most stunning locations.

@yoga_girl is a yoga fan's dream.

For yogis and non-practitioners alike, both the photography and mind-bending poses of Rachel Brathen will have you saying "namaste" before you know it.

@biddythehedgehog kills with cuteness.

This little guy knows how to strike a pose. Biddy is a three-year-old hedgehog who is so insanely photogenic he will make your day.

@digbyvanwinkle are the hipster dogs of Instagram.

The official account of Digby & Aloysius Van Winkle, these dogs repeatedly prove that they are cooler than you'll ever be.

@ohheyitschaz is a one-man history museum.

He may still be in high school, but you won't be able to look away from Chaz Rorick's recreations of famous old portraits. Look at him nail this one of LBJ:

@tal_peleg creates new worlds on eyelids.

Visual artist Tal Peleg takes eye shadow to the next dimension.

@mathu7 is from another world.

Mathu Andersen seems to be a permanent resident in the next dimension. Rupaul's personal hair and makeup artist, he describes himself as "just utterly fascinating." He's right.

@jimmymarble is West Coast all the way.

While we're in tinsel town, check out artist Jimmy Marble's quintessential Los Angeles feed. Rich in pastels, his account is the rainbow sherbet of Instagram.

@sgoralnick is Brooklyn's finest.

Meanwhile, photographer Steph Goralnick reps the East Coast with an Instagram filled with iconic scenes of classic Brooklyn.

@satiregram is every Instagram ever.

Had enough of Instagram already? Then look no further than this account. Some pictures may be worth a thousand words, but somehow this account distills just about every Instagram you've ever seen into just a sentence or two.

from Travel - The Huffington Post


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